Best PracticesCultureA Book Your Client Should Read: Avoiding a Goat Rodeo
FoxyCart was born in a conversation between friends about the horrible state of ecommerce solutions in 2005. For one client we’d rebuilt their ecomme...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesFoxyCart v0.7.2 Public Beta
Yesterday we quietly released FoxyCart v0.7.2 into the wild as a public beta. By “public beta” we mean that it’s not yet the default version for newl...
CultureThe Thing We Hope To Always Hate Doing
In the years of building FoxyCart, we’ve occasionally made mistakes that we’ve had to apologize for. If you’ve ever received one of these email apolo...
CultureVisiting Firehost
While visiting with our friends at MODX in Dallas, TX, we also took the opportunity to visit Firehost. We’ll have much more info about our relationsh...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesUnacceptable outages today
Successful business relies on trust. Without it, no relationships are made and no transactions take place. As a company, we take this idea seriously ...
CultureSysadmins patch servers. Doctors patch sysadmins.
Our fearless lead system administrator, Fred, does many awesome things. He’s an amazing FoxyCart team member, loves learning new things, shaves his h...
CulturePossibly our most satisfied user, ever.
We get a lot of very positive feedback from our wonderful users, but sometimes we get something that so fully validates our efforts we just have to s...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesSiteGrinder 3 announced with FoxyCart support
Our friends at Media Lab have announced SiteGrinder 3, which adds a full CMS and FoxyCart support to their already powerful Photoshop -> Website crea...
Product Updates
Product Updatesv060 Notes: PayPal, Guest Checkouts, and more
The following was originally emailed to all FoxyCart users on 2009.12.15. It is published on our blog for reference. FoxyCart v060: Lots of good stuf...