CultureDo you hate Mondays?
Recently, I had the privilege of hearing Dan Miller speak, the author of “48 Days to the Work You Love” and “No More Mondays.” Dan talked about havin...
Best PracticesResources for Regular Expressions
Just wanted to share a few nice regular expression resources for the next time you need to use regex. RegExhibit: Test regular expressions as you typ...
Best Practices“Passive Groups” in Regular Expressions
The Dark Corners of Regex: Passive Groups If you’re a regex nerd like I am, you probably take pride in knowing all sorts of neat syntax to add to you...
Best PracticesWhen a select element isn’t a select element
When a select element isn’t a select element (javascript) So let’s say you’re doing some quick javascript to validate input fields before form submis...
Culture“FoxyCart, you’re my new best friend!”
The same-day eCommerce concept never occurred to me before FoxyCart hit the scene. Cart customization has never been easier. All I can say is, “FoxyC...
MarketingOnline shoppers and product reviews
Online Media Daily posted an interesting study last week about online shoppers and product reviews. 68% of shoppers (who make online purchases 4+ tim...
Culture“One of the best tools for web developers”
Guys, this is one of the best tools for web developers that I have seen. And Client loves how cool it looks in action! Thanks, so much. Jason L. via ...
How ToKeeping your favicon consistent
The “Automatic” Favicon Method Most web designers and developers (myself included) just go ahead and throw a favicon.ico icon in the webroot of your ...
How ToFoxyCart Admin as a Standalone App
Why run the Admin as a standalone app? If you’ve ever find yourself with 40 tabs spread across 3 different Firefox windows, you might have wondered i...