Integrating FoxyCart: Craft CMS (part 2)
August 11, 2014 - Product Updates
A little while ago, we blogged about Craft, and how quickly you could integrate FoxyCart into the CMS. We also hinted that a plugin was on its way that would assist in a deeper integration. The good news is, we’ve finished up the plugin and we’re excited to get it out into the hands of awesome developers and designers using the system.
The plugin itself is a helper for integrating FoxyCart, adding support for webhooks, single sign-on and HMAC product encryption. It also adds in a form field type that automatically grabs the categories set on your FoxyCart store via our API. Finally, it includes a basic transactions and customers view – but quite barebones and would benefit from some extra love and extending to make that even more usable.
If you use Craft and are working to integrate FoxyCart, we’d definitely recommend trying out the plugin and taking your integration even further. If there is something not quite right in the plugin, or you see something that could be added, we’re accepting pull requests and would love your help to make the plugin even better.
Ready to take a look? The plugin is available now on GitHub. We’ve also updated our integration documentation on the wiki which references the plugin as well.
Got a suggestion for another system?
Do you have a system that you work with but not quite sure where to start getting FoxyCart integrated? Let us know in the comments or send us an email, and we’ll add it to our list and look at getting the process documented in a future post of the Integrating FoxyCart series.