v2.0Fixing an issue which may have been introduced on 2017-07-23
related to payment sets and properly saving 3D Secure payment gateway settings.
v2.0Adding the ability to use your own SMTP server for sending emails.
v2.0Fixing an issue with the legacy XML API transaction list not showing the display_id correctly.
v2.0Fixing the custom shipping langauge description link in the admin.
v2.0Fix for a bug we deployed yesterday which caused text-only admin category emails to not process correctly.
v2.0Improving error messaging for some gateways.
v2.0Using adminCode2
for Italy when doing postal code lookups.
v2.0Updating our ONESOURCE integraton to allow for order priority for product code to better control which item the freight is applied to.
hAPIUpdating our template set resource to include a reference to the payment_method_set_uri
All VersionsSet some useful defaults when creating a new store.
All VersionsCleaning up some labels in the admin.
v2.0Don't clear out minfraud, Google reCaptcha, and pre-payment settings when changing payment gateways.
v2.0Fix for an issue when creating a separate payment set, not being able to enable or disable PayPal Express RT.
v2.0Fixed an issue where multiple requests were being sent to the pre-payment endpoint if the gateway was using 3D Secure.
v2.0Renaming Cielo Payments to Merchant e-Solutions (Cielo).
v2.0Fixing an issue which could cause the receipt to show $0 for live shipping amounts for countries which do not require a postal code.
v2.0Adding support for JCB and Discover for Worldpay.
v2.0Fixing an issue with PayPal Plus and Purchase Order used together.
v2.0Avoid emailing some user accounts for store administration issues for some SaaS partners.
v2.0When cancelling a subscription via the dunning cancel process, the end date is now set to today, not tomorrow.
v2.0Updates and improvements to the Adyen payment gateway integration.
hAPIFixing an incorrect link in the resources documentation.
v1.0 - 2.0Adding sub_token
filter for subscriptions.
hAPIAllowing for void on auth only.
v2.0Clarifying a label in the admin.
v2.0Updating Cybersource support to allow for authorization reversals.
v2.0Improving our pre-payment hook error messaging display.
All versionsFixing a display issue in the admin for store names with &
in them.
All versionsAdditional logging and blocking added to protect stores against fraudulent checkout attempts.
All versionsUpdating our CDN cloud provider.
All versionsUpdating various
v2.0Adding _ke
as a supported analytics parameter.
v2.0Fixing a rare issue where a custom shipping endpoint may stop functioning if a cart session from one store is used for another store.
v0.7.2 - v2.0Clarifying how resending the email receipt will also resend category emails for customers and admin's if configured.
v0.7.2 - v2.0Updating the sandbox URL for our legacy Litle integration which is now Vantiv.
v2.0In the admin, template sets are displayed and orderd by the template set code.
v2.0Updating our ONESOURCE integration to save tax rates and totals to the database as they are obtained.
v2.0When using a custom subdomain, you can now use Google reCaptcha by providing your own site key and private key.
v2.0Updated our coupon code product restrictions to include wild cards on both sides.
v2.0Updating PayPal Plus language strings.
v2.0Fixing an issue in the admin where caching the same template twice might be falsely blocked by the Chrome browser as a XSS request.
v2.0If a value is ever sent to our system, we're replacing it with `< script` (even though it's already html encoded) to ensure our downstream partners don't accidentally parse that information to allow a XSS attack.
* v2.0: No longer attempting to strip all html tags out of our text only emial receipts to prevent unintended behavior if html tags were sent as part of the customer data. * v2.0: Ensure google analytics is loaded before trying to track a click on paypal or amazon pay. * v2.0: Fix an issue when cancelling a subscription with Amazon Pay enabled, sometimes the login button is not visible. * v2.0: Improvements to the Google reCaptcha check to avoid situations where you might have to validate more than once. * v2.0: Fix for a customer `tax_id` not showing up as expected in some situations. * v2.0: Improvements to how we handle ONESOURCE tax rate calculations where multiple tax rates are involved. * v2.0: Fixing an issue introduced on September 26th regarding default live shipping rates for Canada.
v2.0Refactoring our live tax rate integrations for improved supported.
v2.0For ONESOURCE, we're now using the returned total taxable amount instead of the tax rate to calculate our own taxable amount to avoid rounding issues in the final collected amount.
v2.0Updating omnipay vantiv integration to use the correct urls for a non-Transact integration.
v2.0Minor fix for kohana3 password hashing.
v2.0Updating the cybersource_sa_web
default test account credentials.
v2.0Treating cybersource_sa_web
declines as a REJECTED transaction status.
v2.0Improving our ONESOURCE integration error logging.
v2.0Updates to allow for subscription cancels from the cart for subscriptions paid for with Amazon Pay.
v2.0Urlencoding the AcceptanceDateTime for USPS rate requests.
hAPIWhen creating a customer, if a password or password hash is not provided, we'll automatically generate a customer password.
hAPIRemoving siren browser.
hAPIUpdated cart PUT documentation.
hAPIUpdates to the store_subscription_settings
v2.0Fixing product naming formation and adding some logging for the comgate gateway.
v2.0Fix for an issue where the shipping contact would incorrectly be set to the first shipto object for an automated subscription process.
v0.7.1-v2.0Fixing broken sub_cancel
link in the German language strings.
v2.0Updating ONESOURCE integration to factor in taxability of FRIEGHT line item.
hAPIUpdating shared libraries.
v2.0Fix for situations where Thomas Reuters taxes when the postal code is more than 5 characters.
v2.0Fix for Comgate language code.
v2.0PayPal Plus: Added address 2
v2.0Fixing a password reset security issue.
hAPIAdding support for attributes, custom_fields
, and items:attributes when doing a full PUT of a Cart resource
v2.0Some improvements to the payment/custom field styling on the checkout page.
v2.0Fix for an issue which wasn't letting stores properly disable Google reCAPTCHA
v2.0Showing attributes in the admin created on cart resources, not just transaction resources.
All VersionsUpdating our USPS integration based on a recent, undocumented service name change for First-Class Mail Parcel.
hAPIFix for an issue when trying to process a cart into a transaction using certain tax providers.
hAPIFor selected stores with this functionality enabled, added the ability to modify the properties of a transaction item.
hAPIFix for a fatal error (instead of an error response) caused by trying to obtain a session for a non-existent cart.
hAPIShipping rate validation no longer prevents processing a cart into a transaction.
hAPIWhen creating an item it now defaults the weight of the item to the value specified in category provided or uses the value from the default category.
v2.0Improvements to how sidecart renders
v2.0Updating an admin label for clarity
v2.0Improving the city and region display in recipts to more accurately respect the configured display preferences.
v2.0Many new dunning improvements and features such as the ability to reset the next transaction date after a successful makeup payment, fine control of how past due amounts or handled (ignored, incremented, or replaced), email reminders for soon to expire payment cards, and allowing for customer cancels even with a past due amount.
v2.0Rebranding Beanstream as Bambora.
v2.0Improving some labels in the admin.
v2.0Fix for the customer forgot password email not being in the store's selected language.
v2.0Updating transaction searching in the admin and legacy API so attributes created for carts via the hAPI will also work when filtering by transactions.
v2.0Adding an Authorize Only option for CyberSource Secure Acceptance Web/Mobile.
v2.0Fix for admin transaction display not showing handling fees for non-shippable products that have category level handling fees.
v2.0Adding Payeezy to the description of First Data e4 Global Gateway.
v2.0Fix for Payeezy / First Data e4 Global Gateway not properly showing the key id and hmac key in the admin settings.
v2.0Fixed an issue for brand new stores which ensures they get properly configured with a test gateway to start.
v2.0Adding since_transaction_id
and since_display_id
fitlers for the transaction history in the admin and legacy XML API so you can view all transactions after a specific transaction.
v2.0Turning on Google reCAPTCHA by default for new stores with the setting to activate after too many gateway errors per IP.
v2.0Adding the last four digits of the masked card number as a filterable field in the admin and legacy API.
v2.0Updating Orbital gateway to ensure the Terminal ID is visible in the admin.
v2.0Improving how shiptos handle future shipping and taxes.
v2.0Improving our Amazon pay integration to ensure accounts are logged off after a completed transaction and the the amazon pay authentication isn't blocked.
v2.0Fixed an issue with the text-only receipt where the full processor response details were not being displayed.
hAPIAdding a full data snapshot for transaction modifications when removing an item (for selected stores with this functionality)
hAPIAdding some missing link relationships to the payment_method_set
for template_sets
and payments.
v2.0Adding support for twig "capitalize" filter.
v2.0Adding data-fc-item-id
to the item wrapper div.
v2.0Fix for Avalara date processing.
v2.0For Amazon Payments, we now call a confirm method for soft declines.
v2.0Fix for datafeed refeed link not properly working in the admin.
v2.0Updating tax rates for SASKATCHEWAN, Canada.
v2.0For some select stores, we're introducing the limited ability to modify transactions directly in the admin as well as capture, void, and refund existing transactions. In the future we will expand this to all 2.0 stores. The two gateways which currently support these.
v2.0For some select stores, we're introducing the limited ability to modify transactions directly in the admin as well as capture, void, and refund existing transactions. In the future we will expand this to all 2.0 stores. The two gateways which currently support these advanced gateway features are Vantiv and Cybersource.
All VersionsUpdating GEO IP database.
hAPIFix for GET on store customers not properly defaulting to non-anonymous accounts (is_anonymous=false
hAPIUpdating documentation for transaction edit functionality and transaction logs.
v0.7.2-v2.0Updating live payment url for Vantiv from payments.litle.com to payments.vantivcnp.com
v0.7.2-v2.0Adding 11546
as a PayPal reason code for when a profile is already disabled when trying to cancel a subscription in the foxycart admin.
v2.0Feature: Support for multiple payment sets per store.
v2.0Adding support for JCB cards
data is now shown by default in the email receipts.
v2.0Improvements to how we handle multiship checkouts involving the "Me" default shipto address for the customer.
hAPIWhen updating the default shipping address for a customer, we also update any "Me" address records and any "Me" shipto records associated with a subscription for that customer.
hAPIWe now a throw an error if someone attempts to delete the last item on a transaction template.
hAPIChanges required to support multiple payment sets.
hAPIChanging the address name of the default customer address to "Me" instead of "Default Shipping Address" to match what we do with the application.
hAPIIf we update a "Me" customer address, we internally redirect the request to the default shipping address controller to ensure the other related default values are also updated.
All VersionsFor all authorize and emulated authorize gateways, we're now trimming the gateway response to avoid issues if gateways start sending is extra blank characters.
v2.0Adding Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE tax rate integration.
v2.0Fixed an issue with our Avalara integration that has caused a couple request failures over the last couple months.
v2.0Removing some outdated SSL provider references.
v2.0Respect the value for use_different_billing_address
on checkout pre-population.
v2.0Updating GEO IP DB.
hAPIAdding CDN clearing for an additional provider.
hAPIImproved documentation regarding OAuth token usage and storage.
hAPIAdded the ability to filter on attributes for transactions, carts, and subscriptions.
All VersionsUpdating our CDN clearing process to include a new CDN we're working with.
v2.0Fixing an issue which was showing double encoded currency descriptions in the admin.
v2.0Don't show the address input on the cart if products with only global taxes and no live shipping rates are in the cart.
v2.0Fixing the color of links within error messages to be white instead of grey.
v2.0Improving tax display names in the admin drop down.
All VersionsAdmin user password security improvements.
v2.0Improving the credit card number formatter on the checkout screen.
v2.0Logging whenever we have an invalid shipping rate signature.
v2.0Adding the ability to add custom order display ids for your store's transactions on the receipt, email, and admin instead of displaying the FoxyCart transaction IDs.
v2.0Adding Gateway support for Comgate.
v2.0Fixing an issue with coupon product code restrictions when the value ends with a comma.
v2.0Adding user support for PayFlowPro to set this value independently from the vendor value.
hAPIUser password security improvements.