FixMonerisImprovement to allow verification requests to work properly
refactorLegacy ApiPerformance improvement to the customer_list
XML API requestThursday
FixAppAdding fallback for 3dsv1 for opayo 3ds modal
FeatureAdd VivaWallet payment method support
FeatureAdd Curbstone hosted payment page support
FeatureAdd a salt-prefixed SHA256 customer password hashing method
FixOgoneUse `orderstandard_utf8
` instead of `orderstandard
`, for accented/special characters
FixTransactionserviceMake check for PP Legacy GW more accurate
FixRemove defunct gateways
FixCheckoutCatch invalid coupons on stripe connect checkout submissions
FeatureAdd romanian language
FixCorrect category-restricted coupons’ impact on tax calculation
FeatureStripeComplete new auth+capture
if existing auth is expired when capture is attempted, for Stripe
FeatureShippingAdd FoxySDK, Postmen, and node-fetch to custom shipping code functionality
FeatureUpgrade SwiftMailer for better SSL/TLS compatibility
FeatureSpeed improvements to custom shipping code deployment process
FixOnly send state/province to GlobalPayments if required
FixShow transactions on the billing page in the admin
FixImprove Avalara AvaTax configuration endpoint testing
FixDon’t remove tax ID from JSON when a coupon is added in certain circumstances
securityImprove headers to prevent clickjacking
FeatureAdd Bulgarian language
FixTransactionChanging how we evalute coupon details for category restricted coupons
FixApiEditing item via API appears to cause coupon product restrictions to be ignored
FixMercadopagoChanging the status variable that we sent to their api
FixTransactionFix a bug where sub shipping is set to 0
with existing end date when editing via admin
FixUpdate USPS endpoint to https
v2.0Make the legacy XML datafeed’s response handling case-insensitive on the content-type
v2.0BarclayCard gateway improvements for 3DSv2
v2.0Moneris auth code included in processor response details.
v2.0Barclaycard improvement to increment IDs on error.
APIAdd CIT/MIT values to transactions.
APIFix an issue where modifying a cart via the API could result in missing customer address details on a completed transaction, when paid via Stripe.
v2.0Add the ability to override 3D Secure v2 parameters using the pre-payment webhook, for Opayo.
v2.0Update Norway’s regions.
v2.0Improve error handling for Global Payments.
v2.0Advanced gateway features for Moneris (refunds, voids, delayed captures, etc.).
v2.03D Secure v2 & MIT/CIT for GlobalPayments / Realex.
v2.0Adding Foxy’s partner ID to Cybersource requests.
v2.0Fix to Stripe for improved card verification (and skipping verification when specified in the settings).
v2.0Add’s `authCode
` value to the `processor_response_details
` for the CIM integration.
v2.0Updating the default Cybersource test credentials.
v2.0Opayo improvements to better handle 3D Secure v2 errors.
v2.0PayPal Commerce Platform improvements to better distinguish production and development tokens.
v2.0Error and redirect to the checkout if a coupon is no longer valid at the time of the transaction (instead of removing the coupon and allowing the transaction through).
to the processor_response_details
node in the API and webhook, for Square Platform.