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less than a minute read • Updated 4 months ago
Add a mini-cart to your Webflow website
Install Foxy Include
- 1
In Foxy, go to your Sample Code page here.
- 2
Copy the snippet from Step 1.
- 3
In Webflow, go to your Project Settings > Custom Code.
- 4
Paste the snippet into the Footer section.
View Cart Link
- 1
Add a Webflow link block, text link, or button element where you want the mini-cart displayed.
- 2
Link the element to your view cart link (ex: (replace CHANGE with your Foxy subdomain)
Display Cart Quantity
- 1
Inside of your view cart element, add an element to display the number of items in the cart.
- 2
Set the displayed text as 0.
- 3
Give this element a custom data attribute with the Name "data-fc-id" and Value "minicart-quantity".
Display Order Total
- 1
Inside of your view cart element, add an element for the currency symbol and order total
- 2
Set the displayed text for the currency symbol to your preferred currency symbol.
- 3
Set the displayed text for the order total as 0.00 (in the format you prefer)
- 4
Give the order total element a custom data attribute with the Name "data-fc-id" and Value "minicart-order-total".