less than a minute read • Updated 9 days ago
Getting started with Foxy's Donation Element
Our drop-in donation element allows you to easily accept one-time and recurring donations, with pre-set or custom amounts, and allowing a variety of additional options.
Our drop-in Donation Element allows you to easily add a fully-featured donation form to your website. Options include:
Single pre-set donation button.
Multiple pre-configured donation amounts, with configurable default value.
"Other" donation amount.
One-time or recurring options.
Checkbox to flag the donation as anonymous. (Note: This just flags the donation. This doesn't impact the customer fields required on the checkout.)
Optional "comment" field.
Optional "designation" fields, to allow donations to go to specific purposes.
Documentation and copy/paste code is available at elements.foxy.dev.
Want something different? No problem.
This donation widget is just one way to accept donations on your website using Foxy. You can of course create "normal" cart links and forms if you have specific needs.