less than a minute read • Updated 9 days ago

Getting started with Foxy's Donation Element

Our drop-in donation element allows you to easily accept one-time and recurring donations, with pre-set or custom amounts, and allowing a variety of additional options.

Screenshot of a donation form with options for donation amounts, designation, and recurring frequency.

Our drop-in Donation Element allows you to easily add a fully-featured donation form to your website. Options include:

  • Single pre-set donation button.

  • Multiple pre-configured donation amounts, with configurable default value.

  • "Other" donation amount.

  • One-time or recurring options.

  • Checkbox to flag the donation as anonymous. (Note: This just flags the donation. This doesn't impact the customer fields required on the checkout.)

  • Optional "comment" field.

  • Optional "designation" fields, to allow donations to go to specific purposes.

Documentation and copy/paste code is available at elements.foxy.dev.

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