less than a minute read • Updated 4 months ago

Update a customer's billing information

You can change a customer's payment and/or address information on behalf of your customer by using Unified Order Entry (UOE), which allows you to use a master password to log in as the customer. Here's how:

  1. 1

    Make note of the customer's email address

  2. 2

    Go to your Advanced Settings in the FoxyCart admin.

  3. 3

    Copy the password from the unified order entry password text box to your computer's clipboard.

  4. 4

    In a browser window, insert the following URL into the address bar (replacing your-store-domain with your own store domain): https://your-store-domain.foxycart.com/cart?cart=updateinfo

  5. 5

    Enter the customer's email address in the Email field.

  6. 6

    Paste in the password that you copied from UOE settings.

  7. 7

    You should now be able to update the customer's info.

  8. 8

    Click Update My Information to save the new information.

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