3 min read • Updated 3 months ago

Use Wix Stores to manage Foxy products

Step 1: Wix Website Editor setup

Disable Quick View

Follow the steps here: https://support.wix.com/en/article/wix-stores-customizing-the-quick-view-in-the-product-gallery#disabling-quick-view

Product Page settings

  1. 1

    From your Wix Website Editor, go to the Product Page

  2. 2

    Click anywhere within the product section, and two options should show above your cursor

  3. 3

    Click the Settings button to go to the product page settings

  4. 4

    Click Settings from the side bar

  5. 5

    Scroll to the "Add to Cart" section

  6. 6

    For the "When button is clicked" setting, select the Stay in Product Page option

  7. 7

    Scroll to the "Buy Now" section

  8. 8

    For the "Show button" setting, toggle it off

Step 2: Add Foxy code snippets

There are two code snippets need to be added to your Wix website. 

Foxy loader.js file

  1. 1

    From your Wix Dashboard, go to Settings > Custom Code (under Advanced)

  2. 2

    Click the Add Custom Code button at the top right 

  3. 3

    From your Foxy Admin, go to Settings > Website & Products

  4. 4

    Copy the Foxy loader.js code snippet (other code snippets on the page are not needed for this tutorial)

  5. 5

    Go back to the Wix settings page, then paste the code from the previous step in the text box

  6. 6

    For the "Add Code to Pages" setting, select All pages and Load code once

  7. 7

    For the "Place Code in" setting, select Body - End

  8. 8

    Click Apply

Foxy + Wix integration code

  1. 1

    From the same Custom Code settings page, click the Add Custom Code button again to add the second code snippet

  2. 2

    Copy the code snippet below and paste in the text box

    <!-- FOXY + WIX -->
    <script src="https://foxy-integrations.netlify.app/foxy-wix.js"></script>
  3. 3

    For the "Add Code to Pages" setting, select All pages and Load code on each new page

  4. 4

    For the "Place Code in" setting, select Body - End

  5. 5

    Click Apply

After finishing the steps above, you should be able to add products to Foxy cart by clicking the "Add to Cart" button on the product page. 

Optional: Update product inventory with Byteline

  1. 1

    Go to your Byteline Automation dashboard: https://console.byteline.io/automation-dashboard

  2. 2

    Click the Create flow button

  3. 3

    From the integration list, select Foxy > Foxy - New or Updated Transaction Trigger

  4. 4

    Open the Foxy trigger node and sign in to your Foxy account

  5. 5

    Click the Test run button

  6. 6

    Add a new node. Select Wix > Wix - Create Order from the integration list

  7. 7

    Open the Wix node and sign in to your Wix account

  8. 8

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